3'950 Prodotti ecologici e Naturali
Prodotti organici, rispettosi del corpo e della terra
Carrello 0
1 tree planted with Reforest'Action

1 tree planted with Reforest'Action

1,95 CHF Tasse incluse

A tree is planted on a Reforest’Action project to compensate the CO2 emissions of the product purchased.
One tree sequesters in average 150kg of CO2, more than the manufacturing emissions of most products sold on the web.
Following your purchase, you will receive a plantation certificate by email.

Totale Valutazione Totale Valutazione:

0 1 2 3 4
5,00/5 - 7 recensioni

Vista valutazione
0 1 2 3 4 7
0 1 2 3 0 0
0 1 2 0 1 0
0 1 0 1 2 0
0 0 1 2 3 0

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By selecting the option to Purchase Responsable Reforest'Action, you plant a tree on one of our reforestation projects to offset the CO2 emissions of your purchase on this website.

1 tree stores on average 150 kg of CO2 during its first 30 years of life, more than the C02 emissions from the production of most goods purchased over the Internet.

After your purchase you will receive by email a certificate of planting and the presentation of the reforestation project in which you participated.